Sunday, May 8, 2011

Childbirth-In Your Life and Around the World

My Birth( from my mothers view point)

This specific topic was one that did not come to easily to me. That is because I have never personally experienced giving birth and have never helped out in someone else's birth. I called my mom during the week and left her a message to call me back because we needed to discuss her birthing experience with me. When she called me back she was unsure of why I needed this information at first. I explained to her that it was for my class and she was my only source of information for this part of the blog. While on the phone my mom went and got my baby book and began to read my what she wrote down about my birth. On Saturday June 1,1985 my mothers water broke around 12:30am, she left for the hospital and arrived there around 1:15 am. The weather was very rainy and there was a thunder storm during her time at the hospital and during her labour. My mom had very light and easy contractions. At 3:39 am on June , 1985, Brigette Anne Stehm was born. I was 6lbs 7oz and 19 inches long, and my head was 31 1/2 cm. My mom said it was a very quick and easy birth. The only problem she had during the birth was that I was posterior (meaning I was facing downwards)  at first. The doctor had to go in and turn me around so it was easier for my mom to push and deliver me. She had a natural child birth with no drugs.  One interesting fact  my mom told me was that there was a quarantine in the birthing ward. My father was the only one who was allowed to come in visit. My mom said my older sister was very upset she could not come visit her new baby sister.

Birthing Experience in Ireland
I decided to do some research on how mothers in Ireland experience birth.In Ireland, births happen through Spontaneous (normal) Delivery, Caesarean Section, Assisted Delivery, Forceps Delivery, Ventouse Delivery, Home (domiciliary) Births, and Water Births.
            Reading about how births occur in Ireland, they are similar to the births in the U.S. “Normal deliveries account for 63% of all births in Ireland (CSO, 2001), a reduction from 74% in 1990 (CSO, 1990)” ( “The rate of delivery by caesarean section in Ireland has risen steadily from 10.5% of all births in 1990 to 22% in 2001 (CSO, 1990, 2001). Multiple births carry a greater risk of Caesarean section, with the figure standing at almost 53% in 2001 (CSO, 2001).”( One thing I noticed that occurred more in Ireland was home births. I found a website for Doulas, who are similar to a mid-wife, to order your own inflatable tub to have your very own birthing experience at home in water.   On this website you will find information the type of room the tub should be placed in, what to eat/drink before your birth, when to get into the tub, what to do with debris, etc. I think this website would be very helpful to a midwife as well as the mother giving birth. 

"Birth is not only about making babies. birth is about making mothers...strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength." Barbara Katz Rothman



  1. Brigette,

    Wow! Why was there a quarantine in the birthing ward? Sounds like a stressful situation for the family members.

    What is a ventouse delivery? That is the only one I am unfamiliar with. I've seen water births on television and they seem very relaxing. I guess it all depends on the mother and baby's situation.

  2. Brigette -
    I researched the Netherlands, and they also encouraged home births. I wonder if that is common throughout Euope? Your mother sounds very brave. I had three sons, and I needed the epidural each time!

  3. I find it really interesting how your mom took the time to write absolutely everything that happend down. I also applaud your mom for having a drug free labor. Really enjoyed your post..

  4. wow, I wonder how it felt to have your parents quaratined, at least your dad had the opprtunity to be there.

  5. Wonderful! That sounds like a very interesting experience. You will truly understand the beauty when you go through it for yourself. Everyone has somethng a bit different to tell.
