Friday, April 15, 2011

Code of Ethics


I-1.1—To be familiar with the knowledge base of early childhood care and education and to stay informed through continuing education and training.
     - I think this ideal is important because as a professional in this field you should be on top of the up and coming teaching techniques and ideas as well as the newest resources available. Continuing your education and training can only help you in the end be a better advocate for young children and their families. I also think it is important as a professional because I would not want to be a parent who was sending their child to work with a teacher who was unaware of the criteria in this field.

I-1.10—To ensure that each child’s culture, language, ethnicity, and family structure are recognized and valued in the program.
     - I feel this ideal is important to me because I would not want to be the child who was left out of an activity or picked last for something due to my culture or language. I feel it is very important that all professionals in the education system no matter what age level, stress how important it is that every one is included in every activity and no one is to be left out for any reason. This happens often in classrooms and may be times where it is not brought to a teachers attention and goes unnoticed. This will only lead to the child being left out most of the time. This is many ways can be seen as early signs of being prejudice and that is not something that I believe a professional should be allowed to happen in their teaching environment. 

4.We shall support professionals new to the field by mentoring them in the practice of evidence and ethically based services.
     -I think this ideal is very important because form experience as being a new professional to the field it is very heart-warming to feel welcomed by the other professionals in the building. I know right now I may only be a substitute teacher in the field but I am respected by the other teachers in the school as a professional and they are willing to help me out when and if needed. I also feel giving new professionals a mentor helps them understand how that specific school system operates and how to approach certain topics and other professionals in the building. 


The Division for Early Childhood. (2000, August)Code of ethics. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from


  1. Brigette,
    I can appreciate your interest in staying informed through continuing education. I, too feel that it's a constant effort to stay "up" on what's going on in the world of education. It's never boring and ever-changing. While it's hard to find the time to do the research and continuing education, I find it to be extremely rewarding which I can see you do too! What a great blog!
    ~Trish :)

  2. Hi Brigette,
    I really believe in the ideal of ensuring we respect and value each child's culture, ethnicity and family structure. This is so important for us as educators and each child should get this as the minimum from teachers.

  3. Hi Brigette,
    The first ideal you posted speaks to me because the feeling that I needed to begin to become more familiar with current trends in the ECE field was what motivated me to look into a graduate program.

    It sounds like you have a supportive team of co-workers and I am sure you will offer the same support and mentoring to others as well. So many of us are in the education field due to our wanting to help others and I really enjoy working with people who care about others as much as I do.

  4. Brigette,
    It sounds like you are a great advocate for acceptance of children from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds. I'm glad your fellow teachers are supportive of you. That says a lot about the great job you are doing!

  5. Hi, I can definitely relate to your last ideal by considering the fact that I am very new to the field with almost NO experience. Having other professionals advanced in the field as mentors and to share knowledge willingly makes you feel accepted and makes you continue to feel excited about the work you do for those innocent children. It's like the feeling that you can do anything because you know that someone has your back and they will not let you down!!

  6. Brigette, I can relate to your last post about the co workers. When I first started teaching at my school, the older teachers were not as acceptable to me and my practices, once everyone got comfortable with each other, I learned from them and they learned from me. to have a healthy work environment, you have to have respect for one another. geat job.

  7. Hi Brigett,
    I have enjoyed getting to know a bit about you through our discussion and blog groups. I hope we can continue in courses together and I wish you the best in the next class.
    I have enjoyed reading the posts on your blog and feel this assignment has been a lot of fun in addition to being a great way to teach us something new. I had never even read a blog before this class. By the way, I really love the giraffe pictures on your blog background. Take care,

  8. Brigette,
    You have grown so much during this class. You stress in your comments and writings over and over the importance of family, a very admirable virtue. From your writings it appears you have a good understanding of children. You also show much dedication and persistence in pursuing your passion in the EC field.
    You have given me much support throughout our class. We have formed a good “community” and network. I hope we continue on this journey together. I am interested in knowing how things go for you - keep me posted on your progress.
    Thank you so much for all the support you have given me.
