My mother has always had the greatest impact on my life. She has always been there for me, through thick or thin. I view my mother as a strong, independent, and honest woman. She has proved to me at an early age that no matter what struggles one faces, as long as you have your family, you'll make it through. My mom always made it a point to ask me how my day was, what I did in school or how I was feeling. Asking me those questions made me feel important to her and that she actually cared what was going on in my life. My parents divorced when I was 4. Growing up, it was my mother, my older sister Erin and myself. Being a single mom can be a hard job, and my mom made it seem easy. She worked very hard and did what she could so that my sister and I could still enjoy growing up. I would see my father over the summers, but most of my time was spent with my mom. What I took from my parents divorce was that not every relationship works out in the end and sometimes its for the best. I feel my parents divorce brought my mom, sister and myself closer. We have a special bond and no one can break that. My mom continues to amaze me everyday. About two years ago we found out that my mother had breast cancer. That was the most unexpected and painful news I have ever received. Luckily she was able to catch the cancer in time and began receiving treatment. During her treatment she seemed stronger than ever. She made sure that my sisters and I were still being taking care of, in a time where she needed more of the care. My mom is constantly putting our needs before hers and if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have the life I do now. I find that even at my age now, when Im sick or feeling down, I would rather be around my mom than anyone else because I just seem to feel better when she takes care of me.
My pop-pop is my moms father. My pop has impacted my life in many ways. Going back to my parents divorce my pop-pop and nana were very helpful to my family. My grandparents basement had extra bedrooms, so they let us move in with them in order to help my mom out. My pop would pick my sister and I up from school and watch us till our mom got home from work. I loved being around my pop, he was always so much fun. He worked as an appliance mechanic and would always bring home the boxes from the larger appliance for us to create houses or spaceships out of. I feel living with my pop created a special bond between us. My grandparents have 11 children and 26 grandchildren. My pop and nana make it a point to spend time with each of their grandchildren and make you feel special. He never made you feel as if you were just another child in the room. He still makes me feel that way today. At 82 years old, my pop-pop is still on the go and works on small appliances when he can. He has proved to me you don't have to have it all to be happy. Your family is what creates your happiness.
My sister Erin is 4 years older than me. She has always been my second mom. Growing up we would have our sisterly moments of getting along one minute and than fighting the next. As I got older we became closer and can't be thankful enough for having her as my older sister. We still have our differences but not nearly as much. Erin has always been there to listen to me whether it be to whine, cry, and be happy about something. She has had a huge impact on my life because even at a young age she would step up and play the mother role in order to take care of me when my mom was not around. I remember when my sister had told me she had plans to move to florida with her boyfriend. I was so upset because I was unsure how I was going to be able to get through not seeing her everyday. Now here I am, a few years later, living 6 hours away from her. We try our best to talk to each other everyday either by email, phone or text. My sister and I have an indescribable bond that can not be brokend. I love my sister more than I can even begin to explain. A favorite memory I have with my sister is the day I graduated college. Having my sister there to watch me walk across the stage and receive my diploma was very important to me. Seeing how happy she was for me to finally reach my goal meant a great deal to me. Erin was always vey supportive of me during my undergrad, even though there were times where I know I let my family down. I only wish everyone could have an older sister to look after them like I do.
My dad has impacted my life in many ways and very positively. My dad came into my life when I was around 6. He dated my mom for a few years before they got married. He immediately took over the father role for my sister and I. Many people would not want to get involved with someone who already has children and I am thankful he was willing to. He married my mom when I was 8 and from that point on my life would be changed forever. He has always been the only father figure I've had. My dad was willing to bring into his life two children who were not his and treat them as if they were his daughters since day one. I am very thankful for him coming into my life and always being there for me. My father is very creative and artistic. One memory I have of him was when I made my first communion. I remember that morning before leaving for the church he handed me my flower head piece to wear. I thought this was the greatest thing in the world. My dad had worked hard a few days prior and had use real flowers to create the head piece for me. I remember showing up and having all of my family and girls in my grade talking about how beautiful it was. My parents took on a family vacation every year and I loved it. When we would go on vacation, my dad would make it a point to have fun but also to include some sort of history into our trip. It sounded boring at the time, but looking back it was worth every minute. I feel my dad came into my life for a reason and I am thankful for everything he has done and still does for me today.